

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Coca Cola - The Truth

We all love to drink Coke, I have seen 3L Coke selling in US. Coke is good for kids party, birthday celebration, lunch drinks, dinner drinks.. it has its presence everywhere, every corner.

1 can of Coke contains approximately 40g of sugars = 10 tea spoons of sugars = maximum recommended sugar intake for an adult male.

Also, the label is misleading to most of us.
Go and find out more here.

I know Coke contains a lot of sugars, so I go for Diet Coke.
Myself was a classic example, during my study time couple of years back, I was drinking Pepsi Zero almost everyday, for few months. As a result, I was gaining weight. Nothing has changed in my diet, just Pepsi Zero.
Some studies show that artificial sugars are bad for health, it can make you feel more hungry, as a result taking more calories. True or not, you may find out but I don't really believe in artificial sugars.

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